Fin a manufacuror of innovation products

Would you like to develop more innovations faster?

Smart and efficient innovation programs!

Learn how to solve problems and develop ideas to successful innovations

Your AI innovation coach
Your AI innovation coach
Now with specially trained AI support coaches!
Having an idea?

For those of you who have an idea, which you want to test to see if it has the potential to become a successful innovation.

For companies that want to increase their growth and profitability by developing more innovations faster.

Be an innovation coach
Be an innovation coach

For you or those of you who work with helping others develop ideas into innovations on the market.

More innovations?
Helping others?
Covers the whole innovation process ...

From problem to innovation!

Ready-made innovation programs with AI support for those who want to learn how to solve problems to launch a fully developed innovation on the market.

An innovation program includes information, course videos, checklists, templates and support features to help you develop more innovations faster.

Learn how to develop innovations and how to avoid common "traps".

  • Learn how - Simple innovation programs that teach you how to test, verify and develop an innovation

  • Smart systems and support - Smart matchmaking systems and self-learning AI support agents help you when you need support and advice

  • Protect your ideas - Safe Innovation is an international protection program that helps you protect valuable ideas, inventions and innovations

Start your 5-step innovation journey now!

The innovation school teaches you to follow the innovation process step by step:

Find a Problem

What problems do you see needing to be solved?

Develop an Idea

Develop a theoretical solution to the problems

Develop a Invention

Build an invention and show that it works

Protect the Invention

Protect your invention with patents, design, etc

Do you want to sell, license or start a business?

Choose an exit
an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

For more innovations faster!

Your innovation resources

Innovation support's innovation school offers certified innovation programs and innovative tools for creative people and companies that simplify and speed up the development of innovations.

Innovator service

Helping creative people who want to test and develop their ideas and inventions with advice, checklists, videos, etc.

Innovation service
Innovation tools

Smart tools that simplify the matchmaking of problems, ideas, specialists, funding, stakeholders and innovation brokerage.

Supports entrepreneurs with stimulation and development of more internal innovations by staff, customers and suppliers.

Service partners

For specialists, support organizations and stakeholders working to support the development of innovations.

Help other companies stimulate and develop more internal innovations and mediate innovations between companies.

Innovation partners
Support & helpdesk

24/7/365 support for verification and development of ideas and inventions as well as discussion groups, FAQs and webinars.

Specially trained AI support coaches

To support your innovation success, you have access 24/7/365 to multiple specially trained AI innovation coaches, that combine innovation development knowledge, experiences, and coaching with modern AI.

Your AI innovation coaches are constantly developing and self-learning from various sources of innovation expertise. You will find extensive answers to your multiple questions and requirements during the innovation development.

Your AI innovation coaches are available in your innovation academy portal.

AI innovation support
AI innovation support

Choose your innovation success path

Test and develop your ides faster
Test and develop your ides faster


For creative people

Generate more innovations faster
Generate more innovations faster


For innovative businesses

Innovationssupport focus on 2 innovation groups:

Lets discuss how you can develop more innovations faster!

Book by using the link below!