
2093 Philadelphia Pike #6625

Clymont, DE19703, USA

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There are many more innovations possible!

Would you like to work as a innovation coach?

Help others develop more innovations that create successful businesses

More about you career as a Innovation coach!

You are a unique resurce!


There are loads of good ideas and inventions that can be developed into successful innovations that create jobs and welfare, but unfortunately there is often a lack of knowledge on how to do it, especially in medium-sized and smaller companies.


The work as an innovation coach means that you work as an employee or as a consultant at one or more companies and help them develop more innovations faster. You get access to Innovationssupport's various programs, tools, systems and resources, which help you, help your customers more easily and efficiently.


As an innovation coach, you need to understand both the creative and the structured ways of working as well as how you coach solutions in those who work with different parts of the innovation process. You will learn how to stimulate more internal innovations as well as how to find external problem solutions that can be developed into successful innovations.


You complete the training both theoretically and practically and complete an internship program at a company or organization where you have our support. After completed approved training, you are registered as a certified innovation coach in Specialistservice.

The innovation coach leads the work

Help people, companies and organizations develop more innovations for increased growth and profitability.

Career as a Innovation coach


Train to become a certified Innovation Coach in 6 months. After approved training, you have the opportunity to certify yourself to work as an employee or consultant and help companies develop innovations.

Digital handbook


As an Innovation Coach, you have access to our online portal, which contains information, links, templates, checklists, etc. that facilitate your work with the customer. The portal is fully responsive and works in your computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.

Online support


Our online support helps you and your customers answer questions and needs that arise during your work. You have access to our internal discussion group, where we discuss, collaborate and develop our work for more innovations faster.

Innovation programs


Du arbetar som Innovationscoach med 2 smarta Innovationsprogram, Innovatörsservice för kreativa människor som har idéer och uppfinningar samt Innovationsservice för företag som har idéer och uppfinningar att utveckla samt som vill köpa, sälja eller licensiera in andras hållbara uppfinningar.

Smart innovation tools


You work as an Innovation Coach with 2 smart Innovation Programs, Innovator Service for creative people who have ideas and inventions and Innovation Service for companies who have ideas and inventions to develop and who want to buy, sell or license other people's sustainable inventions.

Be an employe or consultant


During your education or after graduation, you can work either as an employee or as a consultant for several companies. In consulting work, you work with innovative services and service agreements with customers that you help develop internal and acquire external innovations.

Support businesses in developing innovations!

Read more below!

More about your career as a Innovationscoach!

Innovationssupport support creative people and organizations to develop more innovations faster

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